PRA Shift Feedback Name First Last During summer...I will be around all summer and am keen to work!I will be around all summer but have other responsibilities too. Can work some.I will be gone all summer and won't be able to work.During summer, I can work X days a week...54321Let us know any days you can't work during the summer.During school term...I don't need shiftsI'd like shifts when it suitsI'd like shifts as much as possibleI need shifts!This is assuming we will stay Saturday/Sunday during school term for now.Control or Command click the days you would like to workSaturdaySundayMid-week maintenance shiftsCan select multiple itemsControl or Command click the weekdays you would like for maintenance shiftsMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayThese would only be as budget permits. Can select multiple items.If PRA is a critical source of your income, let us know what shifts you really needLet us know any other needs or preferences you have around scheduling (or anything else)